The Paranormal Prankster: Casefile 002 - Probing Aliens
he Paranormal Prankster is about “Alien abductions, Interstellar Infidelity, and lots & lots of butt humor.” When a writer appears on a talk show to boast about his plagiarized alien abductions, he gets a close encounter of the worst kind when the show gets invaded by a prankster and his crew claiming to be the aliens who abducted him!
Sean says, “Is intelligent life out there somewhere in the universe? If so, then what’s the deal with the anal probings that alleged UFO abductees have claimed?! I mean, come on, aliens, isn’t there a less invasive way to study humans?! At least buy a human dinner first or something! Geez!”
SFB writer, producer, and director Sean Whitley frequently works as a freelance producer (field-, line-, post-, development-, and executive), scriptwriter, and occasional director for a wide variety of broadcast projects in such genres as true crime, documentary, reality TV, paranormal, animation, travel, and cooking. Some of his past work has aired on such networks as Spike TV, The Cartoon Network, TLC, SPEED Channel, MTV, Starz/Encore, Reelz Channel, TCM, HGTV, GAC, Chiller, Ride TV, Destination America, The Cooking Channel, and EarthxTV. He has extensive on-location experience and has field-produced shoots in such locations as Manhattan, the Florida Everglades, Elvis Presley's Graceland, the waters of the Atlantic surrounding Newfoundland, and the track of the Long Beach Grand Prix to name just a few.
Sean has also adapted and written the English-language adaptations for dozens of animated and live-action international properties such as "One Piece," 'Ghost In The Shell: Arise," and "Shin Godzilla," the latter of which fulfilled his lifelong dream of contributing to the cinematic legacy of everyone's favorite giant radioactive lizard. He believes that a sense of humor in the film and TV industry is a must and is nice to the elderly, small children, and animals. Having worked with both Bigfoot and Godzilla in his professional life , he's still on friendly terms with both.